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/ casts: Jodie Whittaker / year: 2005 / Christopher Eccleston became the ninth actor to take on the role of the time-travelling title character in the BBC's latest incarnation (the first in sixteen years) of its venerable science fiction franchise, airing in the U.S. for the first time after becoming an unexpected hit in Britain last year (2005) / 45m.
Youd figure the BBC would know that denial isnt just a river in Africa
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Doctor Who Download torrent sites. Doctor who season 5 download torrent. The sheer gulf between Critics and real people is akin to the width of the Pacific ocean. Doctor Who Download torrent divx. I have no interest in watching any and i loved Doctor who. Doctor Who Download. The timless child 😱.
I love how Vincent stops and appreciates others artists work on the way. 13th doctor: exists tardis: B E G O N E T H O T.
In all team tardis' nightmares its fake so whos to say that the timeless child was real for the doctor. Doctor who download torrent. Matt Smith is one of my favorite- if not most favorite incarnations. At 2:07, they're technically naked, squashed against each other and grunting really loudly. Looks really bad out of context xD. Alles zur Serie Doctor Who Abenteuer quer durch Raum und Zeit Doctor Who (2005) User-Wertung: 4, 50 von 5 bei 2. 388 Bewertungen Hier für die Serie abstimmen Hier jetzt streamen: Amazon, iTunes, Netflix und Google Play Doctor Who ist eine langjährige, britische Science-Fiction-Serie über einem enigmatischen Außerirdischen, der sich „Der Doctor" nennt und ein ungewöhnliches Raumschiff besitzt. Es wird TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) genannt, sieht aus wie eine englische Telefonzelle aus den 60er-Jahren, ist innen größer als außen und kann nicht nur durch das Weltall, sondern auch durch die Zeit reisen. So besteht der Time Lord vom Planeten Gallifrey immer neue Abenteuer mit seinen wechselnden, meist menschlichen Begleitern, mit denen er gegen böse Aliens und andere Gefahren in die Schlacht zieht, um die Erde oder gar das gesamte Universum zu retten. Zunutzen macht der außerirdische Pazifist sich dabei vor allem seinen Verstand. Der Doctor in seiner zwölften Inkarnation bereits über 2. 000 Jahre alt. Dass man ihm das nicht ansieht, liegt daran, dass ein Time Lord in der Lage ist, sich im Fall seines Todes zu regenerieren, wodurch er eine andere Gestalt annimmt. In der 2005er-Neuauflage der Serie wurde der Doctor bislang von Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith und Peter Capaldi gespielt. Mit Jodie Whittaker wird ab der elften Staffel die erste Frau in der Rolle zu sehen sein, denn Time Lords können alle möglichen Gestalten und Geschlechter annehmen. Das Jubiläums-Special zum 50. Geburtstag der Serie zeigte zudem John Hurt in einer bislang unbekannten Zwischen-Inkarnation als sogenannter War Doctor. Handlung der Serie «Doctor Who» Staffel 1 Nach dem letzten großen Time War kehrt der Doctor als letzter Time Lord auf die Erde zurück und lädt die Verkäuferin Rose dazu ein, ihn auf seinen Abenteuern durch Raum und Zeit zu begleiten. Auf ihren Reisen begegnen ihnen immer wieder die mysteriösen Worte „ Bad Wolf “, deren Bedeutung erst am Ende der Staffel aufgelöst wird, als der Doctor feststellen muss, dass seine Erzfeinde, die unbarmherzigen Daleks, doch nicht vernichtet wurden. Staffel 2 Nachdem Rose sich vom Schock der Regeneration des Doctors erholt hat, geht es weiter mit neuen Abenteuern, in denen auch die alte Begleiterin Sarah Jane Smith ( Elisabeth Sladen) auftaucht. Später bekommt es der Doctor nicht nur mit Daleks, sondern auch Cyberman und sogar Satan höchstpersönlich zu tun, ehe ein schmerzhafter Abschied bevorsteht. Staffel 3 Mit seiner neuen Begleiterin Martha stellt sich der Doctor neuen Herausforderungen, wie zum Beispiel einer Dalek-Hybridrasse. Am schwierigsten wird es aber, als er zum Menschen wird und ein ganz anderes Leben im Jahr 1913 führt. Am Ende der Staffel wird er mit einem seiner größten Widersacher wiedervereint: dem diabolischen Time Lord, der sich „Der Master" nennt. Staffel 4 Donna schließt sich nach ihrem kurzen Abenteuer als permanenter Companion an und begleitet dem Doctor unter anderem nach Pompeii und in die größte Bibliothek des Universums, wo der Doctor erstmals auf die Zeitreisende Archäologin River Song ( Alex Kingston) trifft. Durch den Dalek-Schöpfer Davros (Julian Bleach) gerät schließlich das gesamte Universum in Gefahr, was alte Bekannte auf den Plan ruft. Der Master kehrt schließlich für einen finalen Showdown in den Specials zurück. Staffel 5 Der Doctor begegnet nach dem Absturz der TARDIS seiner neuen Begleiterin Amy, deren unheilvoller Riss in der Wand viel größere Bewandtnis besitzt, als sich zunächst erahnen lässt. Nach mehreren Abenteuern, in die beispielsweise venezianische Vampire und Vincent van Gogh verwickelt werden, öffnet sich schließlich die Pandorica - ein legendäres Artefakt, das unter Stonehenge auf den Doctor wartet, der abermals das Universum retten muss. Staffel 6 Die Freunde des Doctors werden Zeugen davon, wie ein mysteriöser Astronaut den Time Lord endgültig tötet. Es liegt nun an einer jüngeren Version des Zeitreisenden, mit der Unterstützung seiner Verbündeten seine eigene Haut zu retten. Dafür muss er sich mit dem einflussreichen Orden der Stille anlegen, die Tochter der Ponds retten, die wahre Identität von River Song erfahren und das gesamte Universum hinters Licht führen. Staffel 7 Nach einigen Solo-Abenteuern heißt es schließlich Abschied nehmen von den Ponds, die bei einer Begegnung mit den Weeping Angels in die Vergangenheit verschwinden. Als Ersatz begleitet den Doctor fortan Clara in der TARDIS, die ihm schon öfter in verschiedenen Varianten in der Zeit begegnet ist. Gemeinsam ziehen sie nach allerhand Aufregung gegen The Great Intelligence in die Schlacht und müssen den wahren Namen des Doctors beschützen. Im Weihnachtsspecial erhält der Doctor einen neuen Regenerationszyklus von den Time Lords. Staffel 8 Es dauert ein wenig, bis Clara und die neue Gestalt des Doctors sich zusammenraffen, doch schon wenig später warten abenteuerliche Begegnungen mit Robin Hood, einer Mumie im Weltraum-Orientexpress und noch viel mehr auf den Doctor und seine Begleitung. Die gefährlichste Bedrohung kommt in Form der enigmatischen Gegenspielerin namens Missy (Michelle Gomez) daher, die eine geheime Verbindung zum Doctor hat. Staffel 9 Der Doctor und Clara bekommen es unter anderem mit Davros und Missy zu tun, ehe eine wiederholte Begegnung mit der Unsterblichen Ashildr ( Maisie Williams) das Ende der gemeinsamen Reisen der beiden besiegelt. Über einen Umweg von mehreren Milliarden Jahren geht es schließlich zurück nach Gallifrey, wo der Doctor es mit der Gesamtheit der Time Lords aufnimmt, um Clara doch noch zu retten. Staffel 10 Der Doctor nimmt eine zweite Identität als Dozent einer Universität an, um unter dem Gebäude etwas vorsichtig Versiegeltes zu erforschen und bewachen. Dabei wird er von seinem Assistenten Nardole ( Matt Lucas) unterstützt und lernt seine neue Begleiterin Bill kennen, die er in die Geheimnisse des Universums einweiht. Am Ende muss sich der Doctor gemeinsam mit seiner ersten Inkarnation ( David Bradley) die Frage stellen, ob er noch einmal regenerieren möchte. Hauptfiguren Rollenbeschreibungen und die Darsteller der Serie «Doctor Who». Der neunte Doctor ( Christopher Eccleston) ist die erste Inkarnation der von Fans „ New Who “ genannten Neuauflage von 2005. Er leidet unter den Folgen des letzten großen Time Wars, aus dem er gerade zurückgekehrt ist. Bei diesem wurden sowohl seine Erzfeinde, die kaltblütigen Daleks, als auch sein eigenes Volk der Time Lords, vernichtet. Obwohl er sich dafür begeistern kann, seiner Begleiterin die Wunder des Universums zu zeigen, unterliegt ihm eine Finsternis, die auf das Trauma als einziger Überlebender des Krieges zurückzuführen ist. Catchphrase: „ Fantastic! “ Der Schauspieler Christopher Eccleston spielte die Rolle von Der neunte Doctor in der Serie Doctor Who von 2005. Synchronsprecher von Christopher Eccleston bei der Serie Doctor Who war Frank Röth. Der zehnte Doctor ( David Tennant) ist ein sehr selbstbewusster und gutmütiger Mann, in den sich mehr als nur eine seiner Begleiterinnen verliebt. Manche würden ihn als leicht eitel bezeichnen, nicht zuletzt, weil er als einziger Doctor zwei Regenerationen aufbraucht, um seine Gestalt zu behalten. Darüber hinaus erklärt er sich während seines Höhepunkts als Held des Universums zum Time Lord Victorious, merkt aber schnell, dass er zu weit gegangen ist. Catchphrase: „ Allons-y! “ Der Schauspieler David Tennant spielte die Rolle von Der zehnte Doctor in der Serie Doctor Who von 2006 bis 2010. Synchronsprecher von David Tennant bei der Serie Doctor Who war Philipp Brammer. Der elfte Doctor ( Matt Smith) kommt wie eine verspielte Märchengestalt daher, die seine Companions ins intergalaktische Abenteuer entführt. Er trägt zwar das Gesicht eines jungen Mannes, lässt aber immer wieder durchscheinen, dass er in Wahrheit schon mehrere Hundert Jahre alt ist und eigentlich schon mehr gesehen hat, als ein einziger Mann ertragen könnte. Trotz allem bewahrt er sich meist ein fröhliches Gemüt und legt jede Menge Mitgefühl an den Tag. Catchphrase: „ Geronimo! “ Der Schauspieler Matt Smith spielte die Rolle von Der elfte Doctor in der Serie Doctor Who von 2010 bis 2013. Synchronsprecher von Matt Smith bei der Serie Doctor Who war Tobias Nath. Der zwölfte Doctor ( Peter Capaldi) ist nach dem ersten Doctor die zweitälteste Gestalt des Time Lords. Er ist leicht zynisch direkt und sarkastisch, besitzt wenig Geduld für jegliche Art von Unfug und geht äußerst pragmatisch an seine Abenteuer heran. Wie viel ihm seine Companions und die Menschen bedeuten, lässt er nur selten durchscheinen. Catchphrase: „ Shut up! “ Der Schauspieler Peter Capaldi spielte die Rolle von Der zwölfte Doctor in der Serie Doctor Who von 2013 bis 2017. Synchronsprecher von Peter Capaldi bei der Serie Doctor Who war Gregor Höppner. Der dreizehnte Doctor ( Jodie Whittaker) ist die erste weibliche Gestalt des zeitreisenden Aliens von Gallifrey. Catchphrase: Möglicherweise „ Oh, brilliant! “ Die Schauspielerin Jodie Whittaker spielt die Rolle von Der dreizehnte Doctor in der Serie Doctor Who seit 2017. Synchronsprecherin von Jodie Whittaker bei der Serie Doctor Who ist Melanie Hinze. Rose Tyler ( Billie Piper) ist eine junge Verkäuferin aus London, die mit ihrer Mutter Jackie ( Camille Coduri) zusammenlebt, ihren Freund Mickey ( Noel Clarke) eher als Kumpel ansieht und sich generell ein aufregenderes Leben wünscht. Abenteuer und Aufregung kommen schließlich in Form des Doctors daher, dem sie bis ans Ende der Welt folgt. Dabei müssen sie unter anderem herausfinden, was es mit der immer wieder auftauchenden Phrase „Bad Wolf“ auf sich hat. Die Schauspielerin Billie Piper spielte die Rolle von Rose Tyler in der Serie Doctor Who von 2005 bis 2006, 2008. Synchronsprecherin von Billie Piper bei der Serie Doctor Who war Maren Rainer. Martha Jones ( Freema Agyeman) ist angehende Ärztin, die im Krankenhaus ihr praktisches Jahr absolviert, als sie dem Doctor begegnet. Geschlagen mit einer dysfunktionalen Familie begrüßt sie sich über die Aufmerksamkeit, die der abenteuerlustige Außerirdische ihr entgegenbringt. Die wachsenden Gefühle für ihn, kann er nach einem schweren Verlust nicht erwidern. Die Schauspielerin Freema Agyeman spielte die Rolle von Martha Jones in der Serie Doctor Who von 2007 bis 2010. Synchronsprecherin von Freema Agyeman bei der Serie Doctor Who war Solveig Duda. Donna Noble ( Catherine Tate) ist eine nicht auf den Mund gefallene Büro-Hilfskraft, die an ihrem Hochzeitstag statt vor dem Traualtar in der TARDIS landet. Nach ihrem ersten Abenteuer lehnt es Donna zunächst ab, mit dem Doctor zu kommen, wird aber später zur festen Begleitung. Als Doctor-Donna vereiteln sie und der Time Lord die ein oder andere Katastrophe im Universum, was besonders ihren Großvater Wilfred (Bernard Cribbins) freut. Die Schauspielerin Catherine Tate spielte die Rolle von Donna Noble in der Serie Doctor Who von 2006 bis 2010. Synchronsprecherin von Catherine Tate bei der Serie Doctor Who war Elisabeth Günther. Amy Pond ( Karen Gillan) begegnet dem elften Doctor erstmals als kleines Mädchen (Caitlin Blackwood) direkt nach seiner Regeneration und seinem Absturz mit der TARDIS. Danach muss sie jahrelang auf seine Rückkehr warten, weshalb sie auch The Girl Who Waited genannt wird. Sie ist fasziniert von der Welt des Doctors, ihr Herz gehört aber ihrem Freund Rory ( Arthur Darvill), der später auch als Begleiter mit durch das Universum reist und Heldenmut beweist. Die Schauspielerin Karen Gillan spielte die Rolle von Amy Pond in der Serie Doctor Who von 2010 bis 2012. Synchronsprecherin von Karen Gillan bei der Serie Doctor Who war Julia Ziffer. Clara Oswin Oswald ( Jenna Coleman) - das sogenannte Impossible Girl - begegnet dem Doctor in verschiedenen Versionen ihrer selbst durch die Geschichte verteilt, ehe sie als junge Britin und angehende Lehrerin aus dem 21. Jahrhundert zum Companion wird. Sie fordert den Zeitreisenden mit ihrer forschen und selbstbewussten Art heraus und, vor allem nach seiner Regeneration, die ihr zunächst schwer zu schaffen macht. Die Schauspielerin Jenna Coleman spielte die Rolle von Clara Oswin Oswald in der Serie Doctor Who von 2012 bis 2015. Synchronsprecherin von Jenna Coleman bei der Serie Doctor Who war Luisa Wietzorek. Bill Potts ( Pearl Mackie) arbeitet als Kantinenkraft an der Universität und lernt den Doctor als Dozent kennen, der sie für Privatunterricht unter seine Fittiche nimmt. Während eines Abenteuers mit ihrem Schwarm Heather (Stephanie Hyam) kommt sie hinter seine geheime Identität und wird eingeladen, mit dem Time Lord und Assistent Nardole ( Matt Lucas) das Universum zu bereisen. Etwas, das sich der aufgeweckte Science-Fiction-Fan nicht zwei Mal sagen lässt. Die Schauspielerin Pearl Mackie spielt die Rolle von Bill Potts in der Serie Doctor Who seit 2018. Synchronsprecherin von Pearl Mackie bei der Serie Doctor Who ist Anja Stadlober. Zur Liste der Hauptdarsteller der Serie Doctor Who Casting In der 12. Staffel der Serie sind neben Jodie Whittaker als Doctor, Bradley Walsh als Graham, Mandip Gill als Yaz und Tosin Cole als Ryan auch Steven Fry als C, Lenny Henry als Daniel Barton, Sonya, Yasmin, Najia und Hakim Khan als Anarchisten, Sacharissa Claxton als Passenger und Asif Khan als Sgt Ramesh Sunder zu sehen. Außerdem sind Buom Tihngang als Tibo, Andrew Bone als Mr Collins, Christopher McArthur als Ethan, Darron Meyer als Seesay, Dominique Maher als australischer Agent Browning, Melissa De Vries als Sniper, William Ely als Older Passenger, Brian Law as US Agent und Ronan Summers als Rendition Man mit an Bord. Produktion Die Originalserie lief ursprünglich von 1963 bis 1989 auf BBC One. 1996 wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem amerikanischen Network FOX ein 90-minütiger TV-Film produziert, der jedoch wegen schlechter Zuschauerzahlen keine neue Serie nach sich zog. Seit 2005 zeigt die BBC auf dem traditionellen Sendeplatz am Samstagvorabend die von Showrunner Russell T. Davies ( Queer as Folk) und später Steven Moffat ( Sherlock) produzierte Neuauflage der Serie. 2018 übernimmt Chris Chibnall ( Broadchurch) schließlich das Ruder. Mit weit über 800 Episoden (97 davon verschollen) ist „ Doctor Who “ laut Guiness-Buch der Rekorde die am längsten laufende Science-Fiction-Serie der Welt. In Großbritannien sind die Abenteuer des Doctors seit Jahrzehnten Kult. Die Serie, die ursprünglich auf Kinder und Jugendliche zugeschnitten war und noch heute als Familienserie gilt, gehört längst zur britischen Populärkultur. Seine größten Erfolge konnte „ Doctor Who “ in den 70er-Jahren feiern, als bis zu 16 Millionen Zuschauer pro Woche dabei waren. Doch auch die Neuauflage erreicht Rekordquoten. So wurde das Weihnachtsspecial 2007 von 13, 31 Millionen Briten gesehen. Das Special zum 50. Jubiläum wurde 2013 von 10, 2 Millionen Fernsehzuschauern verfolgt, während es gleichzeitig weltweit in vollen Kinosälen gezeigt wurde. Neben unzähligen Büchern, Magazinen, Soundtracks, CDs, DVDs, Kalendern, Spielen und weiterem Merchandise existieren auch Spin-off-Serien wie Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures und Class. «Doctor Who» im TV Mo 24. Februar 01:15 Doctor Who Die Pyramide am Ende der Welt (10x7) Als eine 5. 000 Jahre alte Pyramide über Nacht erscheint, wissen die Militärführer der Erde nicht mehr weiter. Es gibt jedoch sehr ernste Konsequenzen für den Planeten, die sich erst später herausstellen. zur Episode Mo 24. Februar 02:05 Doctor Who Die Tyrannei der Mönche (10x8) Die Welt befindet sich in den Klauen einer Massenillusion. Nur Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) kann die Wahrheit sehen. Als selbst der Doctor (Peter Capaldi) auf der falschen Seite kämpft, liegt es an Bill, den Time Lord davon zu überzeugen, dass sich... zur Episode Do 27. Februar 21:00 Doctor Who Die Kaiserin vom Mars (10x9) Der Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Bill (Pearl Mackie) und Nardole (Matt Lucas) reisen zum Mars, wo sie in einen Konflikt zwischen Eiskriegern und viktorianischen Soldaten geraten. Als der Marsianer-Schwarm um sie herum erwacht, steht der Doctor vor einem... zur Episode In der ausführlichen Sendungsübersicht findest Du alle Termine, wann Doctor Who im TV kommt. Wissenswertes über die Serie «Doctor Who» Aktuelle Doctor Who News Doctor Who: Chris Chibnall bleibt Showrunner für Staffel 13 Kurz vor dem zwölften Staffelfinale von Doctor Who bestätigt Produzent und Chefautor Chris Chibnall, dass er der kommenden Staffel der britischen Zeitreiseserie, ebenso wie Doctor Jodie Whittaker, erhalten bleiben wird. Der amtierende Doctor... Doctor Who: The Haunting of Villa Diodati - Review In der Folge The Haunting of Villa Diodati der UK-Serie Doctor Who reist unser Team ins Jahr 1816 an den Genfersee. Die damalige Residenz von Lord Byron und dessen Gesellschaft sind das Ziel, doch offenbar geht in der Villa mehr vor, als dessen... Doctor Who: Can You Hear Me? - Review In der Folge Can You Hear Me? der UK-Serie Doctor Who verschlägt es unseren Doctor nach Syrien ins Jahr 1380, während die Begleiter eine kleine Auszeit mit ihren Freunden und ihrer Familie nehmen. Doch das Abenteuer ist größer, als sich zunächst... Mehr Doctor Who News anzeigen Darsteller der Serie Doctor Who Deutsche Synchronsprecher Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston / Der neunte Doctor Frank Röth David Tennant / Der zehnte Doctor Philipp Brammer Matt Smith / Der elfte Doctor Tobias Nath Peter Capaldi / Der zwölfte Doctor Gregor Höppner Jodie Whittaker / Der dreizehnte Doctor Melanie Hinze Billie Piper / Rose Tyler Maren Rainer John Barrowman / Captain Jack Harkness Philipp Moog Freema Agyeman / Martha Jones Solveig Duda Catherine Tate / Donna Noble Elisabeth Günther Karen Gillan / Amy Pond Julia Ziffer Jenna Coleman / Clara Oswin Oswald Luisa Wietzorek Pearl Mackie / Bill Potts Anja Stadlober Fakten zur Serie «Doctor Who» Deutscher Serientitel: Doctor Who (2005) Kategorie: SciFi-Serien, Dramaserien Herkunftsland der Serie: Großbritannien Drehort: London, Großbritannien Executive Producer: Julie Gardner, Russell T. Davies Producer: Phil Collinson Ausstrahlender Sender im Herkunfsland: BBC One Lizenziert in Deutschland: FOX Channel Komponist des Soundtracks: Murray Gold Länge einer Episode: 60 Minuten Anzahl der bestellten Staffeln: 12 Anzahl der bestellten Episoden: 171 Anzahl der ausgestrahlten Episoden: 169 Titel der ersten ausgestrahlten Episode: Rose (1x01) Datum der Serienpremiere im Herkunftsland: 26. März 2005 Serienstart in Deutschland: 26. Januar 2008 Letzte ausgestrahlte Episode im Herkunftsland: The Haunting of Villa Diodati (12x08) am 16. Februar 2020 Nächste geplante Episodenausstrahlung: Ascension of the Cybermen (12x09) Morgen Doctor Who bei Twitter: bbcdoctorwho Doctor Who bei Instagram: bbcdoctorwho Die Serie Doctor Who feierte im Jahre 2005 ihre Premiere. Weitere Serien aus dem Jahr 2005 findest Du hier. Wenn Dir Doctor Who gefällt, dann sollten Du vielleicht einmal Sense8 schauen. Doctor Who Staffeln auf DVD & Blu-ray.
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Doctor Who Download torrent. Battlefield was personally the best story of season 26. Torrent download for doctor who. Maybe you should open more ideas to other writers made in the US or other countries to help write Doctor Who. Doctor Who Download torrent download. The writing has been bad since the Capaldi era, but at least Capaldi's acting ability carried the show. Whittaker not so much. Torrent download for doctor who 2005.
Look at this and then Series 11 trailer. What an improvement. I am a new viewer of Doctor WHo. A friend told me about it one day, said it was a great show.
I had just now heard of Doctor Who and was interested, so I looked at their website. The first piece of Doctor Who media I've ever seen was the "Attack of the Graske" game on their website. Then, I read one of the old 4th doctor books. Then, the first episode I saw was "The Impossible Planet." Now I know about the major writer of the show's episodes and I don't like the kind of stuff he does. For one thing it isn't purely original, and another, he (it. hints" things in the show that would definitely drop its "PG" title.
Now before I knew about the writer and some of the episodes, I loved the show and its base storyline. It is thrilling and I've grown to love the characters. But, the vague and very uncommon appearances of slight profanity REALLY tick me off. Its a great show, too great to be ruined by profanity. An example? Cassandra taking over Rose and causing her to unzip her shirt a bit to show more cleavage (and female cleavage in general) and the Cassandra taking over the Doctor- in New Earth.
A lesbian couple in Cellblock. br> A 'bisexual' character (Captain Jack. br> The random kisses the Doctor receives. br> I mean, it just strikes me as odd that this show remains PG rated. Children watch it! A children's SERIES was made on it (Totally Doctor Who) And here Russel is ruining it with profanity.
All in all, its a great show, a good resurrection of the classic. Great special effects. Amazing Time-Lord plot. But I am always uncomfortable showing some episodes to my friends who have more strict parental rules on what they can and can't watch. I only wish Doctor Who were less profane.
Now I myself have a lot of great episode ideas for this show that don't take place on Earth. Original ones. I only wish I was writing the episodes with David Tennant because he's my favorite Doctor, and the first Doctor, I've seen.
Please! If one of you executives for BBC is reading this (and I highly doubt it) I have some great episode ideas. hint hint.
You guys literally just sit all day working out how to make more Doctor Who videos.
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What made Peter Capaldis regeneration sad apart from the amazing speech was the doctors wedding ring falling off.
Woke bollocks.
Doctor who season 1 download torrent. Doctor who download torrents. Brilliant episode of ' Can you hear me ' episode seven. Started as horror ( which I detest ) then bang, it is a brilliant piece of Who Sci Fi. Well done. Look forward to next week's episode. Hilarious after everything episode seven entails, the Doctors first response at end is to seek out more scary stuff for episode eight. Hahaha. Doctor who season 4 download torrent.
When i watched matt smith regenerate i didn't cry. Untill he took off that bowtie (T_T. WHERE IS MY BENNI? CAN YOU HEAR ME? see it's all connected. When (or if) the Doctor regenerates back into a man I want his first words to be “ahh, back to normal” just to trigger a load of people.
Doctor who download torrent s11e02. Doctor Who Download torrents. You have to remember with the Jesus was whitewashed thing, well he was a Hebrew, probably the whitest looking middle-easterns. Doctor Who Download torrent finder. Who else is back here because they want to just feel like the Doctor is still alive, DOCTOR WHO IS STILL ALIVE. Well, damn. I really hoped they'd retcon last season to be a dream of a dying cat and turn Doctor *back to normal.
Brilliant brilliant brilliant! xD Love this. D. This article is about the 2020 series. For the 1974–75 season, see Doctor Who (season 12). Doctor Who (series 12) Promotional poster Starring Jodie Whittaker Bradley Walsh Tosin Cole Mandip Gill Country of origin United Kingdom No. of stories 6 No. of episodes 7 Release Original network BBC One Original release 1 January 2020 – present Series chronology ← Previous Series 11 List of Doctor Who episodes (2005–present) The twelfth series of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who premiered on 1 January 2020 and is set to air through to 1 March 2020. The series is the second to be led by Chris Chibnall as head writer and executive producer, alongside executive producer Matt Strevens. This series is the twelfth to air following the programme's revival in 2005, and is the thirty-eighth season overall. The twelfth series is set to be broadcast on Sundays, bar the premiere episode, continuing on from the eleventh series, after regular episodes of the revived era have previously been broadcast on Saturdays. Jodie Whittaker returns for her second series as the Thirteenth Doctor, the most recent incarnation of the Doctor, an alien Time Lord who travels through time and space in the TARDIS, which appears to be a British police box on the outside. The series also stars Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill as the Doctor's travelling companions, Graham O'Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin Khan, respectively. The ten episodes were directed by Jamie Magnus Stone, Lee Haven Jones, Nida Manzoor and Emma Sullivan. Alongside Chibnall, who wrote four scripts for the twelfth series solo and co-wrote a further three, the writers include Ed Hime, Pete McTighe and Vinay Patel, who return from writing for the previous series, as well as new contributors Nina Metivier, Maxine Alderton and Charlene James. Filming for the series commenced in January 2019 and concluded by November of that year. The series will be succeeded by a special episode. Episodes The twelfth series includes two-part stories for the first time since the tenth series, and more than one two-part story for the first time since the ninth series. [1] Casting The series is the second series to feature Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor. [7] [8] Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill also reprise their roles as Graham O'Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin Khan, respectively. [9] [10] Stephen Fry appeared in the first part of the two-part episode " Spyfall ", with Lenny Henry appearing in both parts. [11] Dominique Maher and Darron Meyer portrayed Agent Browning and Seesay respectively in "Spyfall, Part 1". [12] Sacha Dhawan appeared unannounced in "Spyfall, Part 1", and was revealed at the end of the episode to be the Master. [13] Aurora Marion portrayed Noor Inayat Khan in "Spyfall, Part 2". [14] [15] James Buckley appeared in " Orphan 55 " as a character named Nevi. [16] Laura Fraser also appeared in "Orphan 55" as Kane, [17] [18] as did Julia Foster as a character named Vilma. [19] [20] Robert Glenister and Goran Višnjić have also been cast, [21] as Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla respectively, [22] and appeared in " Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror ". [20] Anjli Mohindra, who had previously portrayed Rani Chandra in the Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures, played a character named Queen Skithra in "Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror". [19] [20] John Barrowman returned to his role as Jack Harkness in " Fugitive of the Judoon ". This is Barrowman's first appearance on the show since " The End of Time - Part Two " in 2010. [23] Jo Martin appeared as a previously unknown incarnation of the Doctor using the alias 'Ruth Clayton' in "Fugitive of the Judoon". [24] [20] Neil Stuke appeared in "Fugitive of the Judoon", as did Nicholas Briggs as the voice of the Judoon. [25] [20] Molly Harris appeared as a character named Suki Cheng in " Praxeus ". [26] [20] Warren Brown was also cast in the episode. [27] Sharon D. Clarke reprises her role as Graham's late wife, Grace, in " Can You Hear Me? ". [28] Maxim Baldry is also set to appear as Dr John Polidori in "The Haunting of Villa Diodati". [29] [3] Jacob Collins-Levy is also set to appear as Lord Byron in the same episode. [30] [3] Julie Graham will appear as Ravio in "Ascension of the Cybermen". [4] Ian McElhinney and Steve Toussaint are set to guest star in the two-part finale, "Ascension of the Cybermen" / "The Timeless Children". [31] Production Writing and development In April 2015, Steven Moffat confirmed that Doctor Who would run for at least another five years, extending the show until 2020. [32] In May 2017, it was announced that due to the terms of a deal between BBC Worldwide and SMG Pictures in China, the company has first right of refusal on the purchase for the Chinese market of future series of the programme until and including Series 15. [33] [34] Chris Chibnall returns as the series' showrunner, the role he took on following Steven Moffat's departure after the tenth series. [7] Matt Strevens also returns to serve as executive producer alongside Chibnall. [35] Ed Hime, who wrote the penultimate episode of the previous series, " It Takes You Away ", wrote an episode for the series. [36] Nina Metivier, who served as script editor on the previous series, also wrote an episode for this series. [37] In November 2019, Doctor Who Magazine revealed the writers for the twelfth series, including Vinay Patel, Pete McTighe, Maxine Alderton and Charlene James, as well as Hime, Métivier and Chibnall; Chibnall wrote four episodes of the series solo and co-wrote a further three. [38] The Cybermen are set to appear in the series. [39] In a Radio Times article, Chibnall confirmed that Series 12 would feature the return of two-part stories. [1] Filming Costume designer Ray Holman listed the twelfth series as being in pre-production in November 2018. [40] By 17 November, BBC confirmed that Whittaker's second series had begun production. [7] Jamie Magnus Stone, who previously directed the fiftieth-anniversary minisode " The Last Day ", directed the first block, which comprised the first and sixth episodes of the series. [41] [26] Lee Haven Jones directed the second and third episodes in the second block, Nida Manzoor directed the third block of the fourth and fifth episodes, [42] Emma Sullivan directed the fourth block of the seventh and eighth episodes, [43] and Stone directed the fifth block of the ninth and tenth episodes. [44] A special episode was filmed by Lee Haven Jones. [5] Filming commenced on 23 January 2019. [45] Filming began in Cape Town, South Africa, [46] [47] and concluded in South Africa 7 February 2019, with location filming taking place at Western Cape, Hopefield, [48] Table Mountain [49] and Taal Monument. [50] Filming took place in Cardiff and Wales between February and October 2019. [51] [52] [53] [54] [14] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] Filming has also taken place in Tenerife, [61] Gloucester, [62] and Merthyr Mawr. [29] Filming concluded by 19 November 2019. [63] Production blocks are arranged as follows: [64] [20] [65] [3] [4] Block Episode(s) Director Writer(s) Producer 1 " Spyfall, Part 1 " Jamie Magnus Stone Chris Chibnall Nikki Wilson " Praxeus " Pete McTighe and Chris Chibnall 2 " Spyfall, Part 2 " Lee Haven Jones Alex Mercer " Orphan 55 " Ed Hime 3 " Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror " Nida Manzoor Nina Metivier " Fugitive of the Judoon " Vinay Patel and Chris Chibnall 4 " Can You Hear Me? " Emma Sullivan Charlene James and Chris Chibnall "The Haunting of Villa Diodati" Maxine Alderton 5 "Ascension of the Cybermen" TBA "The Timeless Children" X Special episode [6] [5] Design and effects The twelfth series introduces changes to the design of the TARDIS, with a modified column above the time rotor, the pathway from the TARDIS's doors, stairs, and modifications to the central console. These changes were introduced by production designer Dafydd Shurmer. [66] [67] The eleventh series removed the cold openings, which was reintroduced for a number of the episodes of the twelfth series. [68] Music Segun Akinola returns to compose for the twelfth series. [69] [70] Release Broadcast The BBC confirmed after the eleventh series' finale that the twelfth series would premiere in "very early" 2020. [9] [10] [71] BBC confirmed on 2 December 2019 that the series was set to premiere on 1 January 2020, [72] and will air through to 1 March 2020. [73] [4] The twelfth series is broadcast on Sundays, bar the premiere episode, continuing on from the format of the eleventh series, after regular episodes of the revived era had previously been broadcast on Saturdays. [72] The series will be succeeded by a special episode. [5] The "Spyfall" two-part episode was released in cinemas in the United States on 5 January 2020. [74] Promotion The first poster for the twelfth series was released on 21 November 2019. [75] The first trailer for the series was released on 23 November 2019, coinciding with the programme's fifty-sixth anniversary. [76] [39] A second trailer was released on 2 December 2019 alongside news of the series' premiere date. [72] Forbidden Planet are releasing shirts weekly with themes that correspond to each week's broadcast episode of Series 12. [77] Two new trailers were released mid-series on 20 January and 7 February 2020. [78] [79] Home media Individual releases Series Episode name Number and duration of episodes R2/B release date R4/B release date R1/A release date 12 Doctor Who: The Complete Twelfth Series 7 × 50 min. 2 × 60 min. 1 × 65 min. 16 March 2020 (D, B) [80] 6 May 2020 (D, B) [81] 5 May 2020 (D, B) [82] Reception Ratings No. Title Air date Overnight ratings Consolidated ratings Total viewers (millions) 28-day viewers (millions) AI Ref(s) Viewers (millions) Rank 1 January 2020 4. 88 2. 01 8 6. 886 [a] 7. 396 [b] 82 [2] [83] [84] 5 January 2020 4. 60 1. 47 16 6. 072 [c] 6. 694 [d] [2] [83] [85] 12 January 2020 4. 19 1. 19 25 5. 376 [e] N/A 77 [2] [83] [86] 19 January 2020 4. 04 6 1. 16 28 5. 201 [f] 79 [2] [83] [87] 26 January 2020 4. 21 1. 36 23 5. 573 [g] 83 [2] [83] [88] 2 February 2020 3. 97 1. 25 5. 223 [h] 78 [2] [89] 7 9 February 2020 3. 81 [2] [90] Critical reception Doctor Who ' s twelfth series has received positive reviews from critics. Series 12 holds an 90% approval rating on online review aggregate site Rotten Tomatoes with an average score of 6. 52/10, based on 5 critic reviews. [91] Metacritic calculated a weighted average score of 80 out of 100 from 4 reviews, indicating "generally favorable reviews". [92] Doctor Who (series 12): Critical reception by episode Series 12 (2020): Percentage of positive reviews tracked by the website Rotten Tomatoes [91] Notes ^ Episode 1, total viewers: 6. 699m on TV, 101k on PC, 49k on Tablet, 37k on Smartphone ^ Episode 1, 28-day viewers: 7. 161m on TV, 124k on PC, 61k on Tablet, 49k on Smartphone ^ Episode 2, total viewers: 5. 909m on TV, 84k on PC, 45k on Tablet, 34k on Smartphone ^ Episode 2, 28-day viewers: 6. 480m on TV, 108k on PC, 58k on Tablet, 47k on Smartphone ^ Episode 3, total viewers: 5. 246m on TV, 64k on PC, 37k on Tablet, 29k on Smartphone ^ Episode 4, total viewers: 5. 071m on TV, 63k on PC, 37k on Tablet, 30k on Smartphone ^ Episode 5, total viewers: 5. 419m on TV, 73k on PC, 43k on Tablet, 37k on Smartphone ^ Episode 6, total viewers: 5. 092m on TV, 63k on PC, 38k on Tablet, 30k on Smartphone References ^ a b Fullerton, Huw (30 November 2019). "Doctor Who to bring back multi-part episodes for new series". Radio Times. Retrieved 30 November 2019. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Ratings Guide". Doctor Who News. Retrieved 5 December 2018. ^ a b c d "Doctor Who Series 12 Episode 8". BBC. 5 February 2020. Retrieved 5 February 2020. ^ a b c d e Laford, Andrew (6 February 2020). "Doctor Who Magazine reveals titles of two-part series finale". Cultbox. Retrieved 6 February 2020. ^ a b c d Fullerton, Huw (22 November 2019). "Doctor Who will have a festive special… but not until later next year, says series boss". RadioTimes. Retrieved 22 November 2019. ^ a b c Royce, Jordan (17 November 2018). "DOCTOR WHO: BBC Confirm Series 12 to Broadcast in 2019". Starburst Magazine. Starburst Publishing Limited. Retrieved 17 November 2018. ^ Jeffrey, Morgan (7 December 2018). "Jodie Whittaker confirms she'll be back for Doctor Who series 12". DigitalSpy. Retrieved 7 December 2018. ^ a b "Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker won't return for a new series until 2020". 9 December 2018. 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Doctor Who is both a television show and a global multimedia franchise created and controlled by the BBC ( British Broadcasting Corporation). It centres on a time traveller called " the Doctor ", who comes from a race of beings known as Time Lords. They travel through space and time in a time machine they call the TARDIS. This ship — which looks like a small, London police box on the outside — has nearly infinite dimensions on the inside. It has become such an iconic shape in British culture that it is currently the intellectual property of the BBC rather than its actual makers, the Metropolitan Police Service. Since Doctor Who 's revival in 2005, its production has been primarily based in Wales by BBC Wales, with its soundtrack regularly performed by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales since 2006. In order to accommodate cast changes, the narrative allows the Doctor to regenerate into an essentially new person on occasion. The cast is rounded out by one or more " companions ", often females. On average, the main cast completely changes once every three or four years — a significant factor in the longevity of the programme. It has had two — some argue three — major production periods. The original run of the programme was from 1963 to 1989, and is often called the "classic series" or "classic Doctor Who ". A failed revival, in the form of a Universal -BBC co-production, came in 1996 — but the resulting one-off tele movie is often considered a part of the classic series. The current form of the programme — sometimes called the "new series" — has been produced by BBC Wales and aired on BBC One since 2005. Though the classic series is fondly remembered by fans of a certain age, the new series has been far more consistently popular with the British public, [ source needed] and is usually the highest-rated scripted drama — outside of perennially popular soap operas — in the weeks that it is on the air. The franchise spawned by the main television programmes includes dozens of distinct ranges of spinoffs in televised, audio and print media. History of Doctor Who Edit Origin Edit Several individuals share credit for establishing Doctor Who in 1963, but it is generally accepted that the original impetus for the series, as well as the establishment of certain aspects, such as the concept of the TARDIS, the basic character of the Doctor and the title Doctor Who itself belong to Canadian -born Sydney Newman, who is also credited with creating another iconic series, The Avengers. Others involved in piecing together the puzzle that became the series include Head of Serials Donald Wilson, writer C. E. Webber, script editor David Whitaker and the show's first producer, Verity Lambert, the first woman to hold such a position in the drama department at the BBC. Junkyard set and police box for An Unearthly Child. Two other notable participants in the birth of the series were Anthony Coburn and Waris Hussein, the writer and director, respectively, of the first four-part serial, An Unearthly Child, the first episode of which aired on 23 November 1963. The version of the first episode that was broadcast was in fact the second mounting of that episode; an earlier version (called " The Pilot Episode " by fans), was taped some weeks before, but rejected for several issues. The BBC allowed a second mounting of the pilot to proceed. The first episode aired the day after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and had to be rebroadcast a week later when power failures disrupted the first broadcast. Also important to creating the atmosphere of the early series were composers Ron Grainer and Delia Derbyshire. Grainer wrote the basic melody of the Doctor Who theme, and Derbyshire, with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, transformed it into a pioneering piece of electronica music. There have been several arrangements used of the theme, but the basic melody has remained unchanged throughout the show's history. No new piece of music has ever been commissioned as a theme, making it one of the longest-serving signature tunes in television history. An Unearthly Child introduced the first incarnation of the Doctor, played by character actor William Hartnell. Supporting him were William Russell and Jacqueline Hill as Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, respectively, and Carole Ann Ford as the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan Foreman. These four would form the core cast of the series throughout its first season and into the second. From very early on, the television show spawned a sub-genre of the franchise in the form of short stories in various shapes and forms from small one-paper issues to short novels to even telling a story on a set of cards. This genre has developed throughout the years into massive shorts and anthologies and is still holding up in the 21st century. The Daleks Edit After the first episode introduced the characters and concept, the remaining three episodes of An Unearthly Child encompassed a modest storyline involving a group of cavemen in prehistoric times. The series began to find its voice as a science fiction series with the second serial, The Daleks by Terry Nation. It introduced the Daleks, the single most iconic reoccurring enemy of the franchise. The series began to really take off in popularity with this serial, which helped launch " Dalekmania " in the UK, leading to toys, the first novelisation Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks, the movie adaptation Dr. Who and the Daleks, and many televised sequels, beginning with The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Early cast changes Edit The Dalek Invasion of Earth was also notable for featuring the series' first cast change. Carole Ann Ford left the series. She was replaced the following week by Maureen O'Brien as Vicki, establishing the pattern of the Doctor's companions changing. The other original actors, William Russell and Jacqueline Hill, left the series a few months later at the conclusion of The Chase, making way for another new companion, Steven Taylor, played by Peter Purves. Over the decades, the length of service of different companions has ranged from as little as a few weeks (with some being considered companions after appearing in only a single episode), up to several years. Some actors have returned to reprise their roles years and even decades later (most notably Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith). A change of identity Edit The next major turning point in the series occurred in 1966 when the actor playing the First Doctor, William Hartnell, left the series. Rather than introduce a new leading character, replace Hartnell with no explanation or simply cancel the series, the producers, with input from Sydney Newman, chose to establish the Doctor's ability to regenerate into a new person when injured or near death. This led to the dramatic — and successful — transition to Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor at the conclusion of The Tenth Planet, a serial that was in itself notable for introducing the franchise's second most popular recurring villains, the Cybermen. The intro for the 1967 serial The Macra Terror was iconic for incorporating the current Doctor's face to the sequence as a permanent installment. The Doctor's race was not established as being Time Lords until the last of Troughton's stories, The War Games in 1969. This story also featured the Doctor's home planet for the first time. The experiment of regenerating the Doctor occurred again in 1970 with the introduction of one-time comic actor Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor, a move that also coincided with the series changing to colour production. Once again, this was successful and Doctor Who continued to establish itself as a British TV institution, although it remained virtually unknown in American markets. The term "regeneration", however wasn't coined until the ending of Pertwee's era, Planet of the Spiders in 1974. The story also revealed the name of the Doctor's home planet Gallifrey. Target Books Edit In 1973, Target Books reissued a trilogy of novelisations from the mid-1960s, and in 1974 began to issue its own adaptations of televised episodes. In a time before home video recorders and commercial release of TV series on tape and DVD and when rebroadcasts were rare and many old episodes were thought lost, the Target line became a popular and valued aspect of the growing Doctor Who franchise; the books would be published into the mid-1990s. A unique feature of the Target line (in fact dating back to the first novelisations published by Frederick Muller) is that many of the books were written by either the original scriptwriters or by individuals with strong behind-the-scenes connections to the series, such as Barry Letts, Terrance Dicks, David Whitaker, etc., all of whom worked in script editing or producing capacities on the series. In the late 70s, about a dozen of the Target novels were reprinted in American editions by Pinnacle Books, with introductions by noted science fiction author Harlan Ellison, who added to the franchise's prestige by placing it higher in his estimation than Star Trek. The Tom Baker years Edit The series continued through the 1970s, with Tom Baker taking on the role of the Fourth Doctor in 1974. Baker became the most iconic, and arguably most popular actor of the classic series. This was due in part to the frequent rebroadcasts of his episodes in the United Kingdom, which began during his tenure. He was the first "young" Doctor and played the role for more seasons (seven) than any actor to date. Other actors have been considered the "current" Doctor for longer, but without regular television appearances. Near the end of the Tom Baker era, the BBC attempted a spin-off series, K9 and Company, but it never went beyond a pilot episode, A Girl's Best Friend. The US broadcasts of Doctor Who were initially poorly done, with some broadcasters airing a version with narration explaining the plot. By the late 1970s, however, the series was firmly entrenched in the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), which would air the show repeatedly over the next three decades and air the revived series after 2004. The 1974 serial Robot began featuring the TARDIS in the intro sequence, a feature that lasted until The Leisure Hive in 1980. In 1979, Doctor Who saw its first comic strip story released in Doctor Who Weekly (later Doctor Who Magazine) with Doctor Who and the Iron Legion. This tradition has been constant with every issue of the magazine, except two. The John Nathan-Turner era Edit Peter Davison succeeded Baker in 1981 as the Fifth Doctor with new producer John Nathan-Turner. Only twenty-nine when he was cast, Davison was, until the appointment of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor in 2009, the youngest actor ever to play the Doctor officially. The TARDIS crew of the Fifth Doctor skewed younger and featured the first long-term companion's death when Adric died at the end of Earthshock. Two short-term companions had died earlier in one serial, The Daleks' Master Plan, but they had not been on the show more than a few weeks; Adric was on the series for about a year. Davison's era was marked by experimentation by the BBC in terms of broadcast scheduling. The series moved to airing twice a week on weeknights, away from its traditional Saturday slot. Initially, this appeared to be a successful gamble. The ratings for Davison's early stories were on par with - if not higher than - Tom Baker's later stories. It was during Davison's era that the series marked its 20th anniversary with the feature-length episode The Five Doctors. This featured all the actors who had played the Doctor to that time (although Hartnell and Tom Baker were shown in stock footage). 1983 saw the release of the first ever Doctor Who video game, The First Adventure made for BBC Micro. Colin Baker followed Davison as the Sixth Doctor in 1984. The BBC further experimented with the format, moving from twenty-minute to forty-five-minute episodes. Nathan-Turner also experimented with the characterisation of the Doctor, intentionally making the Sixth Doctor initially unlikeable in order to create a new dynamic. Neither experiment was successful. Colin Baker's tenure was marked by a serious threat to the show's survival when the BBC, citing low ratings, announced it was ending the series after the 1985 season, its 22nd. Following immediate outcry, this decision was modified to become an eighteen-month hiatus. During the hiatus, fan efforts were launched to get the show back sooner. These included the recording of a charity record called " Doctor in Distress " by cast members. BBC Radio tried to fill the void by producing the first made-for-radio Doctor Who serial, Slipback, starring Colin Baker. Following that, the BBC released another BBC Micro game, Doctor Who and the Warlord. The series returned in 1986 with a season-long story arc, The Trial of a Time Lord, but with greatly reduced screen time. Fourteen episodes were allotted for the season, up from thirteen the previous season, but with episode lengths returned to twenty-five minutes. This was roughly half the storytelling time of recent seasons. Along with that a third video game was released, now also created for computer, called Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror. Although the TARDIS did not show up in the original title sequence, the 2019 special edition of Terror of the Vervoids, released with Season 23: The Collection, added the TARDIS to its title sequence. End of an era Edit Although the show's return garnered sufficient ratings for the BBC to grant a stay of execution and renew it for a twenty-fourth season, Colin Baker's contract as the Doctor was not renewed and he ceded the role to Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor in 1987. The series survived the hiatus, but never regained ratings needed for ongoing survival, constantly being beaten in the ratings by Coronation Street. Towards the end, it garnered ratings barely in the three million range, compared to eleven million at the peak of the Tom Baker era. Attempts were made to refresh the ageing series by darkening the character of the Doctor through what was later called the Cartmel Masterplan (named for then-script editor Andrew Cartmel), and by introducing Ace, a companion with an edginess never before seen in an assistant. The same year that McCoy took over, a fan-produced independent film, Wartime, was released. Taking advantage of a loophole in licensing that allows characters other than the Doctor to be licensed direct from their creators, this film featuring John Benton was the first of what would be a series of fan-made productions that would help keep the Doctor Who universe alive after 1989. During McCoy's era, the series celebrated its 25th anniversary on TV. One of the year's serials, Remembrance of the Daleks, returned the Doctor to 76 Totter's Lane, where it all began in 1963. Following production of the twenty-sixth season, Nathan-Turner learned that the show would not be renewed immediately for a twenty-seventh. After having McCoy record a series-ending monologue, the final episode — part 3 of the ironically titled Survival — aired on 6 December 1989, bringing Doctor Who 's marathon 26-year run to a close. The Doctor Who Production Office closed down the following summer. It has never been made clear whether the BBC ever actually "cancelled" Doctor Who in 1989, or simply put the series on hold. One of the first to state outright that the show was cancelled was co-star Sophie Aldred in the documentary More than 30 Years in the TARDIS. Survival also marked the last time the Doctor's face was incorporated into the intro sequence, at least until 2012. Although it was the end of an era, the McCoy years reinstated the feature of the TARDIS showing up in the intro sequence. "The Wilderness Years" Edit The end of active production was made official in 1990. The Doctor Who Production Office was closed. The BBC never officially cancelled the series. It simply didn't commission any new episodes. This led to the launch of a cottage industry of spin-off work. These included the first long-term range of original fiction (the Virgin New Adventures series). Target Books exhausted all available remaining serials to novelise and the brand was retired in 1994. There were numerous independent video productions with characters and creatures from the series but never the Doctor himself, including the P. R. O. B. series featuring Liz Shaw. Many of their new actors, writers and directors would become involved in the main Doctor Who series, including Nicholas Briggs and Mark Gatiss. In 1993, the BBC made a half-hearted attempt at marking the thirtieth anniversary, first commissioning, then cancelling, a multi-Doctor special called The Dark Dimension. Instead they greenlit a brief, poorly received pastiche, Dimensions in Time, which aired as part of a Children in Need fundraiser and as a dubious crossover with the soap opera EastEnders. For original fiction, Virgin's New Adventures picked up where Survival had left off. Over the next five years it greatly expanded the world of the Seventh Doctor, and Doctor Who, by featuring stories with more adult storylines than was possible on TV. The books also introduced the character of Bernice Summerfield, who was initially a companion of the Seventh Doctor. Over time she developed her own mini-franchise, which continues to this day. Virgin also launched a similar series of books called the Virgin Missing Adventures, featuring past Doctors. One New Adventures novel, Damaged Goods, was written by a young writer who would later play a major role in the history of Doctor Who: Russell T Davies. Another future producer of the series, Steven Moffat, contributed short stories to Virgin's third line of Doctor Who fiction, the Virgin Decalogs. Around this time, Moffat also made his Doctor Who TV writing debut by penning the parody serial The Curse of Fatal Death. It aired as a fund-raiser for Comic Relief and starred Rowan Atkinson, Richard E Grant, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant, and Joanna Lumley as the 9th through 13th incarnations of the Doctor. A false restart Edit The franchise's so-called "first interregnum" on television ended in 1996 with an attempt at launching an American-UK co-produced Doctor Who series. A television movie was produced for the American Fox Network, Doctor Who, in which McCoy handed off to Paul McGann 's Eighth Doctor. Neither a reboot or re-imagining, the film was a continuation of the original series. While moderately successful on the BBC, it failed to garner sufficient ratings in the US to warrant a new series. McCoy, in a later interview with Doctor Who Confidential, postulated that the film failed in the US in part because viewers unfamiliar with the history of Doctor Who were confused by the first part of the film, which dealt with regeneration. The movie made a one-off experiment of featuring a "cold opening", a scene before the intro sequence. Back to the wilderness Edit The "second interregnum" that followed saw more novels (now published by the BBC under its BBC Books logo, featuring the Eighth Doctor), more independent productions, a separate series of Bernice Summerfield novels, a PC game called Destiny of the Doctors that saw Fourth-through-Seventh Doctor actors, Courtney and Ainley reprise their roles, and, in 1998, the start of a prolific series of officially licenced audio stories by Big Finish Productions. Same year, BBC Books and Big Finish would work together on a series of short books called Short Trips, and would continue that for years going forward. Unlike the independent made-for-video productions, Big Finish could use Doctors and companions from the series. With the exception of Tom Baker, who wouldn't join Big Finish until 2012, and earlier Doctors now deceased, the audios featured the original actors. In particular, Big Finish produced a long-running series of programs continuing the adventures of McGann's Eighth Doctor. Big Finish also produced a prolific series of audio dramas featuring Bernice Summerfield (and began publishing novels featuring her once Virgin ended its series of books) as well as other spin-off series featuring other parts of the Doctor Who universe, such as Dalek Empire, I, Davros, Sarah Jane Smith and Gallifrey. Many of the writers, directors, and voice actors involved in this project also went on to work on the TV series proper. The BBC also created new Doctor Who -related media projects during this time, creating several original webcast productions in conjunction with Big Finish, and making several Virgin-era Doctor Who novels available as e-books on its website. The triumphant return Edit In 2003 for the 40th anniversary, the BBC released the 6-part webcast Scream of the Shalka, in which Richard E Grant was introduced as the Ninth Doctor. Intended to be an "official" continuation of the television series, this version of the character was quickly relegated to invalid status with the 2005 series revival. The BBC stunned fans by announcing in 2003 that its Welsh production office, BBC Wales, had been given the go-ahead to produce a brand-new series of Doctor Who. The series would be produced by Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner. Davies, since his days writing Doctor Who fiction for Virgin, had gone on to create the critically acclaimed series, Queer as Folk. Meanwhile the BBC released two new video games on their website, TARDIS Tennis and Who Trumps. In the following months, details of the new series emerged. Fans still questioned if the new series would be a continuation of the original series (a twenty-seventh season), or a re-imagining (as had recently occurred to great effect with Battlestar Galactica). Would the Paul McGann movie or Scream of the Shalka count? There was initial controversy when pop singer Billie Piper was cast as the new companion. The new series logo riled some fans; BBC News reported that some on the production team had received death threats over it. The BBC's decision to restart the numbering of the series with series 1 in 2005 fuelled the debate over whether the new show would be a continuation. The BBC indicated it was strictly a commercial decision, and part of an overall strategy not to alienate new viewers by suggesting they needed to know twenty-six years of backstory. Doctor Who returned to television in the spring of 2005. Christopher Eccleston took over from McGann as the Ninth Doctor. After initial uncertainty, it was soon established the new series was a continuation of the old. The new episodes returned Doctor Who to levels of popularity not seen since the 1970s, and garnered awards the original series never saw. Eccleston's brief era marked the return of UNIT, the Autons, the Nestene Consciousness, the Daleks and the Dalek Emperor to television, as well as the introduction of Jack Harkness, who would become a recurring character during the Russell T. Davies era. In March 2006, the new series was first broadcast in the United States on the SciFi Channel. Audiences embraced the new series, with Billie Piper's Rose Tyler, in particular. The second episode The End of the World began a new tradition of featuring a scene before the intro sequence, a " cold opening ". The show stumbled slightly with the announcement days after its premiere on 30 March that Eccleston was leaving after a single season. The BBC later apologised for the timing of this announcement. The tenure of his replacement, David Tennant 's Tenth Doctor, was dominated by the relationship between the Doctor and Rose Tyler, a closer bond than even the "Mentor" type relationship shared between the Seventh Doctor and Ace. Tennant's era also saw the return of Sarah Jane Smith in School Reunion, the episode most cited as the one that established once and for all that "nuWho" was a direct continuation of the 1963 - 89 series. This was followed by the Children in Need mini-episode Time Crash, in which Peter Davison reprised his role as the Fifth Doctor. In 2005, four online video games were released by the BBC, most notably Attack of the Graske. Tennant's era also saw the reintroduction of the Cybermen, albeit a parallel version. Related to this, the series began delving into the multiverse concept with Rise of the Cybermen, a topic that would dominate the final episodes of the fourth series in 2008. Since the show's return to TV, Doctor Who has become a major franchise. It spawned two successful spin-off series in quick succession: Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures; both centred around the adventures of former companions. There was a third, non-BBC spin-off, K9. Two documentary series were launched with the return of Doctor Who: Doctor Who Confidential, ( 2005 - 2011) and Totally Doctor Who ( 2006 - 2007). The last series also produced the first animated-for-television Doctor Who serial, The Infinite Quest, which aired in 2007 and featured Tennant. A second animated serial, Dreamland, aired in 2009. The year 2006 had the pleasure of welcoming 17 new online games, many of them featuring some of the newly introduced aliens, amongst them Daleks v Cybermen, Ood Escape and The Wire. The Tennant era also saw the start of a new tradition in late 2005: the Doctor Who Christmas Special, holiday-themed episodes aired separately from the regular seasons. As of December 2017, thirteen such specials have been aired. The series has also contributed several mini-episodes, such as the aforementioned Time Crash, to the Children in Need Appeal and the BBC Prom concert series ( Music of the Spheres). The 3-part conclusion of the third revived season in 2007 saw the inclusion of the Master in not one, but two different incarnations, not seen since the TV movie in 1996. Ten new online video games were released by the BBC in 2007, with one of them, Bane Blaster, based on the first SJA -story. The fourth revived season in 2008 saw the return of the Sontarans in episodes 4 and 5, The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky, for the first time since The Two Doctors in 1985. The season-conclusion, which linked all four series together and featured the return of Rose and other companions, saw Doctor Who garner its highest ratings in nearly thirty years. It further saw the first return of Dalek creator Davros since Remembrance of the Daleks. It was followed by the 2008 Christmas special, The Next Doctor, which included a scene — the first of its kind — in which all ten Doctors, including the debated Paul McGann's Eighth Doctor, were shown, firmly establishing the Eighth Doctor's place in his personal history. This year saw the release of 11 new online games as well as one, Top Trumps: Doctor Who, for PC, PS2 and Wii and DS. The transition Edit The year 2009 was a transition year for Doctor Who in terms of both production and releases. The series had only four episodes, aired as specials in April, November and on Christmas Day and New Year's Day 2010. These specials and an animated serial, Dreamland, marked David Tennant 's final appearances as the Tenth Doctor. The decision for the series to take a break following series 4 was, according to Davies' book The Writer's Tale, planned as far back as Tennant's first year. Davies devised the break to smooth the transition between his term as show-runner and that of Steven Moffat, whom he invited to take over his post as executive producer and lead writer when the series returned as a weekly programme in 2010. Tennant took advantage of this break to appear in a high-profile stage production of Hamlet co-starring Star Trek icon Patrick Stewart, which some media erroneously indicated was the reason for the break. The announcement of the gap year was followed by the announcement that Davies and Julie Gardner would be stepping aside as executive producers of Doctor Who following the specials. Moffat, who won the Hugo Award three years running for his Doctor Who scripts, was appointed new head writer and executive producer. Also appointed executive producers were Piers Wenger and Beth Willis. The question of whether Tennant would stay on was a hot topic in the UK media for much of 2008. On 19 October 2008, Tennant, while accepting his National Television Award for Favourite Actor, announced he would leave the role after the specials. After months of speculation, it was announced on 3 January 2009 that twenty-six-year-old Matt Smith would join the series in 2010 as the Eleventh Doctor, smashing Peter Davison 's record as the youngest Doctor ever. The end of Series 4 and the start of the specials marked a "changing of the guard" for international broadcasts of the series in the US and Canada. In the US, the SciFi Channel relinquished first-broadcast rights to BBC America. In Canada, the CBC 's controversial handling of the series (which had seen a marked decrease in network interest and destructive editing of the Series 4 finale for commercials) came to an abrupt end when the cable network Space adopted the series. Both began airing the series with The Next Doctor in the spring of 2009 and announced they would air the weekly series in 2010. The first gap-year special, Planet of the Dead aired during Easter 2009. Planet of the Dead was the first Doctor Who episode to be filmed in high definition and, subsequently, the first to be issued to Blu-ray. Meanwhile, Torchwood aired its third series in July 2009, now on BBC One, but in a different format: a single, critically acclaimed, five-episode story entitled Children of Earth. It also aired to acclaim and high ratings on BBC America and Space. The Sarah Jane Adventures began its third series in October 2009, with David Tennant playing the Doctor in two episodes. Work on a non-BBC spin-off series, K9, also progressed through the year. The second special of the "gap year", The Waters of Mars aired on 15 November 2009, and an animated adventure, Dreamland, was broadcast serialised on the BBC's Red Button service before being aired as one programme by the BBC proper. The same year saw the release of six new online video games, one of which, The Waters of Mars, based on the TV story of the same name. During the Christmas season, Tennant appeared as the Doctor in a series of Christmas idents for the BBC. Finally, the era of the Tenth Doctor ended with the two-part special The End of Time. Part 1 aired on 25 December 2009 and the concluding Part 2, with David Tennant handing over the role to Matt Smith, aired on 1 January 2010. The finale further saw the return of the Master and the brief return of the Time Lord High Council and Gallifrey from inside a time lock. That same year, the BBC Books stopped productions of the original format of the Short Trips series. Big Finish Productions took full control and resurrected the series as short audio stories going forward. The new man Edit Production of the first Matt Smith episodes commenced in July 2009. Writers recruited for the new season included Richard Curtis (co-creator of Blackadder and writer of Four Weddings and a Funeral) and Toby Whithouse (creator of Being Human). Noted fantasy writer Neil Gaiman was rumoured to be involved in the new season. These rumours proved to be incorrect, but he did end up penning The Doctor's Wife the following series. Michael Moorcock, another noted fantasy novelist, also announced he was writing a Doctor Who novel for publication in 2010. Minor competition for Smith arrived in January 2010 when broadcasts of the non-BBC series K9 began in parts of Europe. The UK, which had seen a preview of the first episode on Halloween 2009, saw the series debut on Disney XD on 3 April 2010, a few hours before the start of the fifth series. After months of intense publicity, the Matt Smith/Eleventh Doctor era officially began on 3 April 2010 with the broadcast of The Eleventh Hour on BBC One. In a show of international support for the series, broadcasts in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were scheduled within a few weeks, the first time the programme's biggest international markets had coincided their broadcasts in this way. The fifth series ran for thirteen weeks, concluding with The Big Bang on 26 June 2010, which saw the biggest amount ever of villains gathered in one story, even including spin-off villains. Before the first episode of series 5 was broadcast, the BBC announced that a Christmas special had been commissioned for 2010, and a sixth series of the revived series was scheduled to enter production that summer for broadcast in 2011. Series 6 aired in two parts; the first half aired in the spring and the remaining episodes aired in the autumn. The BBC claimed the split was to accommodate a story arc with a mid-season cliffhanger, the arc being the revelation of the identity of River Song. Steven Moffat was said to have requested the split. Episode 4, The Doctor's Wife, also featured the first mention of a Time Lord, the Corsair, being able to change gender between regenerations. Series 7 aired in two parts as well, although this time the first half aired in the autumn and the second half aired in the spring, with a Christmas special in between. Broadcasts began in September 2012, with Asylum of the Daleks. This Special reintroduced the concept of the current Doctor's face showing up in the intro sequence, last seen in 1989 's Survival. It also brought back the Great Intelligence for the first time since 1968 's The Web of Fear. The first few years of the 2010s welcomed a plethora of new games for different platforms, some of them featuring major gameplay for the first time, such as City of the Daleks, Blood of the Cybermen and TARDIS. 50 years and beyond Edit Following the series 7 finale, The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor aired on TV and in cinemas on 23 November 2013 to celebrate the programme's 50th anniversary. This heavily featured a new Doctor, played by John Hurt, who was revealed to be the true ninth incarnation of the Doctor in a mini-episode titled The Night of the Doctor, which had Paul McGann return as the Eighth Doctor and regenerating him. The 50th also featured Tom Baker himself returning, however as a character known to the Doctor, called the Curator, as well as a cameo of the immediate successor of Smith. It featured the original 1963 intro sequence and a brief one-off departure of showing the Doctor's face and the TARDIS in the sequence, not counting the mini-episode in the case of the former. Big Finish Productions also celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the show with the audio story The Light at the End on the 23 October, featuring the first eight incarnations of the Doctor as well as a couple of their companions with the Master as the villain. The Christmas special The Time of the Doctor was broadcast a month later on 25 December. Time featured the Eleventh Doctor 's regeneration into Peter Capaldi 's Twelfth; Capaldi was announced as the Twelfth Doctor in a live special months earlier on 4 August. With the successful release of the 50th anniversary special, the Series 8 premiere, Deep Breath, was extended and broadcast simultaneously on TV and theatres on 23 August 2014. Notably, Peter Capaldi's debut as the lead featured a surprise cameo from his predecessor Matt Smith, the first such occurrence of an immediate reprisal in Doctor Who. Broadcasting its run, now reduced from 13 to 12 episodes, without a split, Series 8 concluded with Death in Heaven on 8 November, just less than two months before the 2014 Christmas special. Death in Heaven featured a one-off change in the intro sequence, showing companion Clara Oswald 's face instead of the Doctor's as a response to the preceding " cold opening ". The series featured a mysterious woman known as Missy throughout most episodes, who by the conclusion was revealed as a female incarnation of the Master. Starting just short of a month later in 2015, Series 9 began with The Magician's Apprentice on 19 September and concluded with Hell Bent on 5 December, only twenty days before The Husbands of River Song on Christmas Day. The intro for Before the Flood featured rock-guitar play over the theme while specially filmed "found footage" story Sleep No More featured a one-off intro sequence matching the "feel" of the story, getting rid of both the TARDIS and the Doctor's face. 2016 would see another break for Doctor Who on TV while the next series was filmed to broadcast in the following year, with a unique teaser introducing the new companion releasing on 23 April. 22 October marked the premiere, fittingly on the 10th anniversary as that of Torchwood, of a new but ultimately ill-fated spin-off series: Class. Airing exclusively on BBC Three, which had since been relegated to an online service, Class was based at Coal Hill School, the very first setting of Doctor Who, and hosted a guest appearance by the Doctor himself in the first episode. Ultimately, the sole new episode of Doctor Who itself to air in 2016 would be the annual Christmas special: The Return of Doctor Mysterio, the first in five years to preview the upcoming series as Doctor Who would return to the spring season. Series 10 premiered with The Pilot on 19 April. The series concluded with The Doctor Falls on 1 July, which saw the Doctor mortally wounded. The Doctor himself would postpone his regeneration, however, and the finale concluded with the surprise return of the First Doctor now portrayed by David Bradley, who had previously played William Hartnell in the 50th anniversary docudrama An Adventure in Space and Time, who would go on to expand the First Doctor's timeline beyond his original final story with the Christmas special Twice Upon a Time, incorporating footage from The Tenth Planet by morphing Hartnell into Bradley and vice versa (thereby also showing his regeneration again). Soon after The Doctor Falls, Jodie Whittaker was announced to be playing the Thirteenth Doctor, the first female incarnation of the Doctor, who made her debut at the conclusion of said Christmas special. The mid-2010s saw further video game releases such as Legacy and Infinity as well as the first multi-franchise LEGO game, LEGO Dimensions. A mini-game on the Doctor Who Instagram Stories game was also released in November 2018, with another one released in April 2019. A huge milestone Edit A huge milestone was reached when the first ever woman, Jodie Whittaker, was cast as the Doctor and given a plethora of diversified episodes. Series 11 was moved to Sundays and was reduced to 10 episodes beginning with The Woman Who Fell to Earth on 7 October 2018, compensating with an extended running time. The new change was met with a large amount of positivity, with majority praising the new Doctor and stories, many celebrities saying it was about time. Some people, however, were not very impressed with the changes made, calling them "too politically correct" and "Social Justice Warrior"-driven. Despite this negativity, the new era ended up very successful. The new series also got rid of the annual Christmas Special, which had been a constant since the return in 2005, replacing it with a New Year Special on Tuesday the 1 January 2019, followed by a gap year. This series also once again got rid of the idea of having the current Doctor's face as well as the TARDIS show up in the intro. It also removed the " cold openings " which had been permanent instalments since 2005 's The End of the World. The opening story and the Special also didn't have a title sequence. As for first-timers, 2019 saw the release of a fully fledged virtual reality game The Runaway and the first ever escape room The Live Escape Game on the 16 May and 16 January, respectively. It was also the first time a Doctor appeared in expanded media before appearing on-screen. 2019 was also the year that Big Finish Productions celebrated their 20th Anniversary. This was done with a free YouTube livestream spanning the entire weekend of 20 and 21 July with a plethora of audio stories ending with Lies in Ruins, the opening of the 20th anniversary audio box set The Legacy of Time. August saw a third Instragram mini-game released to the Stories section. All throughout the last months of 2018 and the first 9 months of 2019, students, staff and graduates of the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) had worked tirelessly and carefully in collaboration with the Doctor Who team to recreate the missing 1965 single-episode story Mission to the Unknown as closely as possible to the original and with the original 60s-era television values. It was released on YouTube on 9 October 2019, giving fans the opportunity to again enjoy the lost classic. 17 October 2019 marked the 40th anniversary of the long-running Doctor Who Magazine with its 544th issue being released exactly 40 years after the first issue. To celebrate, the issue also offered a 32-page Doctor Who Magazine: The Index along with it at no additional cost. A Doctor Who theme night at the Natural History Museum in Kensington as part of their after-hours series Lates was held on 25 October 2019. A special screening of the Series 3 opening episode, Smith and Jones, was shown during the event. [1] On the 12 November 2019, a second VR game was released called The Edge of Time, in which the Player got much more freedom to explore time and space as well as piloting the TARDIS. Essentially, the Player gets sent on an adventure of their own. Series 12 premiered on New Year's Day, Wednesday 1 January 2020 with Spyfall: Part One, which also marked the first time since The End of Time that a two-part story had a single title. Part One also aired on the 10th Anniversary of The End of Time: Part Two. Spyfall: Part Two was broadcast only four days later on 5 January on a Sunday which continued to be the format established the previous series. Episode 5 of series 12, Fugitive of the Judoon; broadcast on 26 January, hit another milestone as the first episode to have a black woman cast as the Doctor, albeit adding confusement to the show's history, with this version claiming to be a past version while the Thirteenth Doctor has no recollection of her. This episode also brought back Captain Jack Harkness over a decade after his last appearance on the show, The End of Time: Part Two and 9 years after his last televised appearance, in Torchwood: Miracle Day 's last episode The Blood Line. Series 12 also saw the " cold opening " return for the first time since 2017 's Twice Upon a Time, though it was not used consistently across all episodes. Continuity Edit A common contention among fans and producers of the series is that a large part of the Doctor's appeal comes from his mysterious and alien origins. While over the decades several revelations have been made about his background — that he is a Time Lord, that he is from Gallifrey, among others — the writers have striven to retain some sense of mystery and to preserve the eternal question, "Doctor who? " This backstory was not rigidly planned from the beginning, but developed gradually and haphazardly over the years, the result of the work of many writers and producers. Understandably, this has led to continuity problems. Characters such as the Monk were retroactively classified as Time Lords, early histories of races such as the Daleks were rewritten, and so on. The creation of a detailed backstory has also led to the criticism that too much being known about the Doctor limits both creative possibilities and the sense of mystery. Some of the stories during the Seventh Doctor's tenure, part of the so-called " Cartmel Masterplan ", were intended to deal with this issue by suggesting that much of what was believed about the Doctor was wrong and that he is a far more powerful and mysterious figure than previously thought. In both an untelevised scene in Remembrance of the Daleks and the subsequent Silver Nemesis it is implied (to quote an excised line from "Remembrance") that the Doctor is "far more than just another Time Lord. " The suspension of the series in 1989, however, meant that none of these hints were ever resolved, at least on television. The Virgin New Adventure novel, Lungbarrow, did resolve these hints and explain the Doctor's origins. However, not all fans regard the spin-off novels as canon or accept the revelations made in that particular story, partly because other parts of the franchise seem to contradict parts of it. The 1996 television movie created even more uncertainty about the character, revealing that the Doctor had a human mother and he remembered his father. Fans, however, seemed to be more upset about the fact that the Eighth Doctor kissed Dr Grace Holloway, breaking the series' longstanding taboo against the Doctor having any romantic involvement with his companions. The revelation in the 1996 television movie that the Doctor was half- human is often considered to be a continuity error as the Doctor is considered by most to be a full Time Lord, causing fans to attempt to find alternative explanations about why the Doctor claimed to be part human. While some fans regard discontinuities as a problem, others regard it as a source of interest or humour — an attitude taken in the book The Discontinuity Guide. A common fan explanation is that a universe with time travellers is likely to have many historical inconsistencies. The revived series has tackled this issue head on by suggesting that "time is in flux" and with the exception of certain fixed points in time, almost anything can be changed. Recently, some fan interpretations of the series 5 finale, The Big Bang, have suggested a potential reboot of Doctor Who continuity in toto, but there is also evidence in opposition to this view. There has been much fan speculation on exactly which aspects of the television series, books, radio dramatisations, and other sources are considered canon. This has been made more complex by the fact that at least one novel, short story, comic, and audio have all been adapted for the TV series. Additionally, the events of at least one novel have been referenced on screen. For their part, the BBC have never issued a firm edict as to what counts as "canon". Thus, Doctor Who stands in stark contrast to the more formalised canons of Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings — and, indeed, almost every other fictional universe. "Doctor Who? " Edit When the series began, nothing was known of the Doctor at all, not even his name. In the very first serial, An Unearthly Child, two teachers from the Coal Hill School in London, Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton, become intrigued by one of their students, Susan Foreman, who exhibits high intelligence and patchy, unusually advanced knowledge. Trailing her to a junkyard at 76 Totter's Lane, they encounter a strange old man and hear Susan's voice coming from inside what appears to be a police box. Pushing their way inside, the two find that the exterior is actually camouflage for the dimensionally transcendental interior of the TARDIS. Susan calls the old man "Grandfather", but he simply calls himself the Doctor. When he fears Ian and Barbara may alert the local authorities to what they've seen, he whisks them all away to another place in time and space. In the first episode, Ian addresses the Doctor as "Doctor Foreman, " as the junkyard in which they find him bears the sign "I. M. Foreman". When addressed by Ian with this name in the next episode, the Time Lord responds, "Eh? Doctor who? What's he talking about? " Later, when Ian realises that "Foreman" is not his name, he asks Barbara, "Who is he? Doctor who? " Although listed in the on-screen credits for nearly twenty years as "Doctor Who", the Doctor is never really called by that name in the series, except in that same tongue-in-cheek manner. For example, in The Five Doctors when one character refers to him as "the Doctor", another character asks, "Who? " The only real exception has been the computer WOTAN, in the serial, The War Machines, which commanded that "Doctor Who is required. " In The Gunfighters, the First Doctor uses the alias Dr Caligari. In The Highlanders the Second Doctor assumes the name of "Doctor von Wer" (a German translation of "Doctor of Who"), and signs himself as "Dr. W" in The Underwater Menace. In The Wheel in Space, his companion Jamie, reads the name off some medical equipment, and tells the crew of the Wheel that the Doctor's name is "John Smith". The Doctor adopts this alias several times over the course of the series, often prefixing the title "Doctor" to it. This has continued to the Tenth Doctor, and was famously referenced to in the 1996 television movie, where even though the Doctor is unconscious, a complete stranger, seemingly at random, writes the name John Smith on the Doctor's hospital admission papers. In The Armageddon Factor, the Time Lord Drax addresses the Fourth Doctor as "Theet", short for "Theta Sigma", apparently a University nickname. In the 1988 serial Remembrance of the Daleks, the Seventh Doctor is asked to sign a document, which he does by using a question mark, and produces a calling card with a series of Greek letters (or Old High Gallifreyan script) and a question mark inscribed on it. The Eighth Doctor briefly used the alias "Dr Bowman" in the 1996 television movie. He has also been mocked by his fellow Time Lords for adhering to such a "lowly" title as "Doctor". In many spin-off comic strips, books, films and other media, the character is often called "Doctor Who" (or just "Dr. Who") as a matter of course, though this has declined in recent years. From the first story through to Logopolis (the last story of Season 18 and also of the Tom Baker era), the lead character was listed as "Doctor Who". Starting with Peter Davison 's first story, Castrovalva (also the first story of Season 19), the lead character is credited simply as "The Doctor". Doctor Who writer Terrance Dicks offered the theory that Time Lord names were "jawbreakers, " long and extremely difficult to pronounce, and this was why the Doctor never revealed his true name. However, River Song, one of the few people ever to know his name, was able to whisper it in his ear in a very short time. Some fans have speculated, taking off from the fact that the full name of the Time Lady Romana is Romanadvoratrelundar, that the first syllable of the Doctor's true name is "Who". It should be noted that, although it is often asserted that "Doctor Who" is not the character's name, there is nothing in the series itself that actually confirms this. On at least one occasion the Doctor is about to give a name after the title "Doctor... " but is interrupted. Interestingly, the BBC novel, The Infinity Doctors mentions an ancient Gallifreyan god named " OHM ". When this name is turned upside down, the result is "WHO. " This idea originated in early drafts of The Three Doctors by Bob Baker and Dave Martin. The character of "Ohm" eventually became Omega. It is interesting to note that, while spin-off media is known to "fill in the blanks" regarding aspects of Doctor Who lore — for example, several novels "revealed" The Master 's real name — no officially licensed media has ever seriously attempted to solve the riddle of the Doctor's real name. Notwithstanding early spin-off media that treated "Doctor Who" as his name, of course. During Matt Smith 's reign as the Eleventh Doctor, it was revealed that the oldest question in the universe was "Doctor Who? " and considering how desperate the Silence, a religious order devoted to destroying the Doctor, were to keep him from revealing it, the consequences of him telling anyone his real name must be catastrophic. The Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant, has stated that there was only one reason and one time that he would or could reveal his true name. In The Bells of Saint John, the Eleventh Doctor asked Clara to repeat the question, and stated that he didn't realise how much he enjoyed being people asking him "Doctor Who? " Accolades Edit In 2000, in a poll of industry professionals, the British Film Institute voted Doctor Who #3 in a list of the 100 Greatest British Television Programmes. Since its return in 2005, the series has received many nominations and awards both nationally (UK) and internationally. This includes BAFTAs, the National Television Awards and the Hugo Awards. American accolades have been fewer and farther between, although in 2007 it broke a barrier by receiving a nomination for the 2008 People's Choice Awards, although it did not win. The series' revival found its highest ratings not in the UK but in South Korea. [2] The Guinness World Records have recognised that Doctor Who has broke, accomplished and set many different records. To see a full list, visit the Guinness World Records article on this Wikia. Even the "gap year" season of 2009-2010, which consisted of only four specials (five if the 2008 Christmas special, The Next Doctor is included), wasn't enough to slow down the train of awards given to Doctor Who. On 20 January 2010 the series won Best Drama and David Tennant won Best Drama Performance at the 2010 National Television Awards. [3] Feature films Edit To build upon the success of Dalekmania the series had created in Britain in the 1960s, two feature films were produced ( Dr. Who and the Daleks, and Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A. D. ) and released worldwide. Although both were adapted from the William Hartnell television stories The Daleks and The Dalek Invasion of Earth respectively, they feature Peter Cushing as a Human scientist named Dr. Who who invents a TARDIS, and as such are not considered to be canonical. In 2011 it was announced that a new feature film would be released, to be directed by Harry Potter director David Yates. [4] Although initial news reports suggested that the film would "start from scratch" in terms of continuity, Steven Moffat subsequently clarified that "any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC team, star the current TV Doctor and would certainly not be a Hollywood reboot". [5] He later reiterated, "There will not come a time when there's a separate kind of Doctor Who. What was talked about there was that there would be a separate Doctor and a different continuity. Of course it won't. That would be silly. Everyone knows that's silly. The BBC knows that's silly, and is not going to do that. " [6] Other media Edit Although Doctor Who originated as a television programme, it has become much more than that. Starting with " Dalekmania " in the 1960s, a great deal of merchandise has sprung out of Doctor Who. Some of that merchandise has continued the story of the Doctor's adventures. Over the decades, Doctor Who has appeared on stage, screen, and radio, and in a variety of novels, comics, full-cast audio adventures and webcasts. Beginning in the late 1980s, independent production companies such as BBV Productions and Reeltime Pictures took advantage of a loophole in the BBC's ownership of Doctor Who to licence individual characters and monsters from the series directly from their creators and build original film and audio dramas around them; this reached its height after the original series ended in 1989. Many of these productions involved original cast members from the series. Meanwhile, since 1991, a prolific series of original novels rivalled only by the Star Trek franchise (in terms of quantity) have been published. Many of these productions and novels are highly regarded by some Doctor Who fans. Several of the writers of the 2005 series previously wrote or scripted adventures for the Doctor in other media. In terms of non-fiction works, Doctor Who ranks among the most intensely chronicled entertainment franchises in history. Since the publication of The Making of Doctor Who in the early 1970s, the number of books detailing the production, personnel, and even philosophy behind Doctor Who has numbered well into three figures. In addition, a growing number of actors connected to the series have published autobiographies (in several cases more than one volume of memoirs), ranging from 1960s-era co-stars such as Anneke Wills and Deborah Watling through to more recent actors such as Billie Piper and John Barrowman. External links Edit Official websites Edit Official website for the Australian broadcaster, ABC Official website for the Brazilian broadcaster, TV Cultura Official website for the BBC Official website for English language Canadian broadcaster, Space Official website for the Croatian broadcaster, HRT Official website for French broadcaster, France 4 Official website for Italian broadcaster, Rai 4 Official website for New Zealand broadcaster, Prime Official website for Central and Eastern Europe broadcaster, AXN Official website for Bulgarian broadcaster, Diema Official website for US broadcaster, BBCA Official website for digital television channel Drama Edit Official YouTube channel Official Facebook page Official Twitter account Official Twitter account for BBCA Official Instagram account Official Instagram account for BBCA Footnotes Edit v • e Doctor Who television stories Seasons 1-4: William Hartnell Season 1: 1963 - 1964 An Unearthly Child • The Daleks • The Edge of Destruction • Marco Polo • The Keys of Marinus • The Aztecs • The Sensorites • The Reign of Terror Season 2: 1964 - 1965 Planet of the Giants • The Dalek Invasion of Earth • The Rescue • The Romans • The Web Planet • The Crusade • The Space Museum • The Chase • The Time Meddler Season 3: 1965 - 1966 Galaxy 4 • Mission to the Unknown • The Myth Makers • The Daleks' Master Plan • The Massacre • The Ark • The Celestial Toymaker • The Gunfighters • The Savages • The War Machines Season 4: 1966 The Smugglers • The Tenth Planet Seasons 4-6: Patrick Troughton Season 4: 1966 - 1967 The Power of the Daleks • The Highlanders • The Underwater Menace • The Moonbase • The Macra Terror • The Faceless Ones • The Evil of the Daleks Season 5: 1967 - 1968 The Tomb of the Cybermen • The Abominable Snowmen • The Ice Warriors • The Enemy of the World • The Web of Fear • Fury from the Deep • The Wheel in Space Season 6: 1968 - 1969 The Dominators • The Mind Robber • The Invasion • The Krotons • The Seeds of Death • The Space Pirates • The War Games Seasons 7-11: Jon Pertwee Season 7: 1970 Spearhead from Space • Doctor Who and the Silurians • The Ambassadors of Death • Inferno Season 8: 1971 Terror of the Autons • The Mind of Evil • The Claws of Axos • Colony in Space • The Dæmons Season 9: 1972 Day of the Daleks • The Curse of Peladon • The Sea Devils • The Mutants • The Time Monster Season 10: 1972 - 1973 The Three Doctors • Carnival of Monsters • Frontier in Space • Planet of the Daleks • The Green Death Season 11: 1973 - 1974 The Time Warrior • Invasion of the Dinosaurs • Death to the Daleks • The Monster of Peladon • Planet of the Spiders Contrary to common belief, season 10 kicked off in the last week of December 1972 — not in 1973, as would be expected. Season 10 actually began nine years after season 1 started. In fact, The Three Doctors began nine years to the week after The Daleks first aired. Seasons 12-18: Tom Baker Season 12: 1974 - 1975 Robot • The Ark in Space • The Sontaran Experiment • Genesis of the Daleks • Revenge of the Cybermen Season 13: 1975 - 1976 Terror of the Zygons • Planet of Evil • Pyramids of Mars • The Android Invasion • The Brain of Morbius • The Seeds of Doom Season 14: 1976 - 1977 The Masque of Mandragora • The Hand of Fear • The Deadly Assassin • The Face of Evil • The Robots of Death • The Talons of Weng-Chiang Season 15: 1977 - 1978 Horror of Fang Rock • The Invisible Enemy • Image of the Fendahl • The Sun Makers • Underworld • The Invasion of Time Season 16: 1978 - 1979 The Key to Time: The Ribos Operation • The Pirate Planet • The Stones of Blood • The Androids of Tara • The Power of Kroll • The Armageddon Factor Season 17: 1979 - 1980 Destiny of the Daleks • City of Death • The Creature from the Pit • Nightmare of Eden • The Horns of Nimon • Shada (unfinished) Season 18: 1980 - 1981 The Leisure Hive • Meglos • Full Circle • State of Decay • Warriors' Gate • The Keeper of Traken • Logopolis Seasons 19-21: Peter Davison Season 19: 1982 Castrovalva • Four to Doomsday • Kinda • The Visitation • Black Orchid • Earthshock • Time-Flight Season 20: 1983 Arc of Infinity • Snakedance • Mawdryn Undead • Terminus • Enlightenment • The King's Demons Children in Need 1983 The Five Doctors Season 21: 1984 Warriors of the Deep • The Awakening • Frontios • Resurrection of the Daleks • Planet of Fire • The Caves of Androzani Seasons 21-23: Colin Baker Season 21: 1984 The Twin Dilemma Season 22: 1985 Attack of the Cybermen • Vengeance on Varos • The Mark of the Rani • The Two Doctors • Timelash • Revelation of the Daleks Season 23: 1986 The Trial of a Time Lord ( The Mysterious Planet • Mindwarp • Terror of the Vervoids • The Ultimate Foe) Seasons 24-26: Sylvester McCoy Season 24: 1987 Time and the Rani • Paradise Towers • Delta and the Bannermen • Dragonfire Season 25: 1988 - 1989 Remembrance of the Daleks • The Happiness Patrol • Silver Nemesis • The Greatest Show in the Galaxy Season 26: 1989 Battlefield • Ghost Light • The Curse of Fenric • Survival TV Movie: Paul McGann TV Movie: 1996 Doctor Who In 2013, McGann reappeared as the lead in the mini-episode The Night of the Doctor. Series 1: Christopher Eccleston Series 1: 2005 Regular episodes Rose • The End of the World • The Unquiet Dead • Aliens of London / World War Three • Dalek • The Long Game • Father's Day • The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances • Boom Town • Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways Series 2-4: David Tennant Series 2: 2005 - 2006 Mini-episode Children in Need Special ( Born Again) Christmas special The Christmas Invasion Regular episodes New Earth • Tooth and Claw • School Reunion • The Girl in the Fireplace • Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel • The Idiot's Lantern • The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit • Love & Monsters • Fear Her • Army of Ghosts / Doomsday Series 3: 2006 - 2007 Christmas special The Runaway Bride Regular episodes Smith and Jones • The Shakespeare Code • Gridlock • Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks • The Lazarus Experiment • 42 • Human Nature / The Family of Blood • Blink • Utopia / The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords Animated special The Infinite Quest Series 4: 2007 - 2010 Mini-episode Time Crash Christmas special Voyage of the Damned Regular episodes Partners in Crime • The Fires of Pompeii • Planet of the Ood • The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky • The Doctor's Daughter • The Unicorn and the Wasp • Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead • Midnight • Turn Left • The Stolen Earth / Journey's End Mini-episode Music of the Spheres Animated special Dreamland Seasonal specials The Next Doctor • Planet of the Dead • The Waters of Mars • The End of Time For the purposes of this list, "Series 4" is considered to be the production series 4, which ran all the way from Time Crash to The End of Time. The years seen in this section may seem decidedly "off". Remember, however, that this list only gives the first year in which an episode from a series was broadcast. David Tennant, unusual amongst other Doctors, began and ended on special episodes, not regular ones. Thus, his series actually begin in 2005, 2006 and 2007 — not 2006, 2007 and 2008 as is commonly thought. Series 5-2013 Specials: Matt Smith Series 5: 2010 Regular episodes The Eleventh Hour • The Beast Below • Victory of the Daleks • The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone • The Vampires of Venice • Amy's Choice • The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood • Vincent and the Doctor • The Lodger • The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang Series 6: 2010 - 2011 Christmas special A Christmas Carol Mini-episodes Space / Time Regular episodes April 2011 The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon • The Curse of the Black Spot • The Doctor's Wife • The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People • A Good Man Goes to War Regular episodes August 2011 Let's Kill Hitler • Night Terrors • The Girl Who Waited • The God Complex • Closing Time • The Wedding of River Song Mini-episode Death Is the Only Answer Series 7: 2011 - 2013 Christmas special 2011 The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe Mini-episodes Good as Gold • Pond Life Regular episodes 2012 Asylum of the Daleks • Dinosaurs on a Spaceship • A Town Called Mercy • The Power of Three • The Angels Take Manhattan Mini-episode The Great Detective Christmas special 2012 The Snowmen Regular episodes 2013 The Bells of Saint John • The Rings of Akhaten • Cold War • Hide • Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS • The Crimson Horror • Nightmare in Silver • The Name of the Doctor Specials: 2013 The Day of the Doctor • The Time of the Doctor Series 8-10: Peter Capaldi Series 8: 2014 Regular episodes Deep Breath • Into the Dalek • Robot of Sherwood • Listen • Time Heist • The Caretaker • Kill the Moon • Mummy on the Orient Express • Flatline • In the Forest of the Night • Dark Water / Death in Heaven Series 9: 2014 - 2015 Christmas special Last Christmas Mini-episode The Doctor's Meditation Regular episodes The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar • Under the Lake / Before the Flood • The Girl Who Died • The Woman Who Lived • The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion • Sleep No More • Face the Raven • Heaven Sent • Hell Bent Christmas special The Husbands of River Song Series 10: 2016 - 2017 Christmas special The Return of Doctor Mysterio Regular episodes The Pilot • Smile • Thin Ice • Knock Knock • Oxygen • Extremis • The Pyramid at the End of the World • The Lie of the Land • Empress of Mars • The Eaters of Light • World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls Christmas special Twice Upon a Time Series 11-present: Jodie Whittaker Series 11: 2018 - 2019 Regular episodes The Woman Who Fell to Earth • The Ghost Monument • Rosa • Arachnids in the UK • The Tsuranga Conundrum • Demons of the Punjab • Kerblam! • The Witchfinders • It Takes You Away • The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos New Year special Resolution Series 12: 2020 Regular episodes Spyfall • Orphan 55 • Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror • Fugitive of the Judoon • Praxeus • Can You Hear Me?
Doctor Who Download torrentz. Twelve is my favorite but eleven really killed it too. The Doctor has walked in blood through all of time and space. The Doctor has many names. The Destroyer of Worlds. The Imp of the Pandorica. The Shadow of the Valeyard. The Beast of Trenzalore. The Butcher of Skull Moon. The Last Tree of Garsennon. The Destroyer of Skaro. He is the Doctor of War. Destroyer of worlds we've seen from Davros. Imp of the Pandorica was Matt's storyline. Love the Valeyard and reference from Old Who. Trenzalore the war, Matt's again. And Skull Moon was a Time War battle in which the doctor had a part. In Hell Bent, a soldier says he was there at skull moon then sides with Capaldi. Destroyer of Skaro is Old Who but partly New Who again with Tennant and Capaldi. Interestly, the last Tree of Garsennon is completely new so it might be a future story cause its not even in comics or any of the doctor who stories TV and otherwise.
So, they kicked out Peter Capauldi, but Whitakers going to get four seasons. Community See All 5, 102, 837 people like this 4, 797, 064 people follow this About See All TV Show Impressum Page Transparency See More Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - May 14, 2010.
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